
What happened in Dune

By Frank Herbert

Dune is an epic science fiction novel that tells the story of Paul Atreides and his family's struggle for control of the desert planet Arrakis. The planet is the sole source of the spice melange, which enables interstellar travel and is vital to space navigation. The story follows the Atreides family as the Imperial Padishah Emperor grants them control of Arrakis, taking it away from their long-time enemies, House Harkonnen.

Though Arrakis is a desolate desert planet plagued by giant sandworms, it is highly valuable for its spice production. The Harkonnens scheme with the Emperor's elite troops, the Sardaukar, to defeat House Atreides and regain control of the lucrative spice mining operations on Arrakis. After a Harkonnen sneak attack, Paul and his mother Lady Jessica escape into the harsh deserts of Arrakis.

There they encounter the planet's native Fremen people. Paul proves himself as the prophesied messiah figure Muad'Dib and leads the Fremen in guerrilla warfare against the Harkonnens. After undergoing the spice agony and gaining profound prescience, Paul sees potential bloody futures ahead. He struggles to avoid unleashing a catastrophic jihad across the universe as he battles for control of Arrakis.

In an epic confrontation, Paul defeats both the Harkonnens and the Imperial Sardaukar forces, cementing his rule over Arrakis. Though offered a marriage alliance to the Emperor's daughter to seal power, Paul vows his true loyalty is to his Fremen concubine Chani. He hopes to find an alternate path to prevent the violent jihad he foresees while transforming Arrakis into a fertile paradise.

Dune Chapter Summary

Chapter 1

The chapter begins with Paul's mother Jessica allowing a mysterious old woman, the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, to visit and observe Paul the night before the Atreides family is to depart for the planet Arrakis. The Reverend Mother hints that Paul may be the prophesied Kwisatz Haderach. The next day, the Reverend Mother tests Paul with a poisoned needle called a gom jabbar to see if he is an animal or a human. Though subjected to great pain, Paul passes the test. The Reverend Mother explains that the Bene Gesserit sisterhood has worked for generations to breed the Kwisatz Haderach, a male Bene Gesserit who can access male and female memories. She implies Paul may be this foretold one.

Chapter 2

The Baron meets with Piter and Feyd-Rautha to discuss plans to defeat House Atreides. Piter reveals the intricate scheme involving Dr. Yueh, who has been conditioned but leveraged to betray the Duke. The Baron and Piter mock the Duke's attempts at kanly. Piter wants the Lady Jessica as a spoil but the Baron wants the Duke to know he is doomed. Piter outlines how the Harkonnens will partner with the Emperor's Sardaukar disguised as Harkonnen troops to attack Arrakis. The Baron explains the CHOAM profits they will gain after destroying House Atreides. Feyd-Rautha is pleased the Baron is sharing secrets, confirming his status as heir. The Baron and Piter cruelly anticipate the downfall of House Atreides.

Chapter 3

The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam visits Jessica on Caladan the night before the Atreides family departs for Arrakis. She implies Paul may be the Kwisatz Haderach, a prophesied male Bene Gesserit. The next day, the Reverend Mother tests Paul with a poisoned needle to see if he is human or animal. Though in great pain, Paul passes the test. The Reverend Mother explains the Bene Gesserit have tried to breed the Kwisatz Haderach for generations.

On Arrakis, the Baron and Piter reveal their intricate plot with Dr. Yueh to defeat House Atreides. The Baron wants the Duke to know he is doomed. Piter outlines how Harkonnen troops, disguised as Sardaukar, will attack and destroy House Atreides. The Baron explains the CHOAM profits they will gain. Feyd-Rautha is pleased to be confirmed as heir. The Baron and Piter anticipate the downfall of House Atreides.

The Reverend Mother returns to observe Paul's dreams and test him further. Paul describes dreams of a cave, a girl, and a planet called Usul. The Reverend Mother implies Paul may not be the Kwisatz Haderach after all. She gives Paul a hint about the Bene Gesserit lesson "That which submits rules." Paul grows angry, as the Reverend Mother speaks of his father as if he is already dead. After she leaves, Jessica is shaken, realizing the old woman has given up all hope of saving Leto.

Chapter 4

Thufir Hawat visits Paul in the training room on their last day on Caladan before departing for Arrakis. Hawat reminds Paul to never sit with his back to the door. Paul demonstrates his sharp senses by identifying Hawat without looking. Hawat warns Paul of the ferocious storms on Arrakis and the need to conserve water.

When asked about the Fremen, Hawat reveals the Imperium underestimates their numbers. He implies the Fremen hate the Harkonnens and could be potential allies against them. Paul recalls his strange encounter with the Reverend Mother and her ominous warnings about his father losing Arrakis.

Gurney Halleck arrives to instruct Paul in fighting. During a training bout, Halleck presses a furious attack on Paul to teach him a lesson about the importance of vigilance and suppressing moods during battle. Halleck vows to make Paul into a first-class fighting man prepared for the dangers they will face from the Harkonnens on Arrakis.

Chapter 5

In this chapter, Dr. Yueh visits Paul before he departs for Arrakis. Yueh gives Paul an antique Orange Catholic Bible as a gift and instructs him to read a specific passage about the origins of life in water. However, the book opens to a different passage that was Wanna's favorite, causing Yueh distress. Yueh provides Paul some background on the Fremen people of Arrakis, describing their fierce and dangerous nature. Paul is intrigued by the Fremen and wants to learn more. Yueh warns that the desert is perilous with giant sandworms over 400 meters long. Paul presses Yueh on making the desert habitable, but Yueh says it would be too costly. Paul senses mystery in the gift Bible and feels it stir his terrible purpose. The chapter ends with Paul formally thanking Yueh for the gift as they wait for Duke Leto to arrive.

Chapter 6

Paul observes his father Duke Leto enter the training room on their last day on Caladan before departing for Arrakis. Leto admits Arrakis will be dangerous but explains they must go to gain a CHOAM directorship and control the spice melange. Leto reveals melange is unique, profitable, and allows the Guild's space travel, making it highly valuable.

Leto explains many Houses depend on CHOAM profits from melange, so reducing spice production could ruin House Atreides' enemies like the Harkonnens who have been stockpiling spice. Leto says the Padishah Emperor is also stockpiling, and likely sending disguised Sardaukar troops against House Atreides.

Leto reveals the secret of the Sardaukar's strength - they are recruited from Arrakis, which has conditions like the prison planet Salusa Secundus. Leto sees potential in the Fremen of Arrakis as a fighting force to rival the Sardaukar. The Duke explains they are negotiating with the Fremen while knowing the Harkonnen trap awaits on Arrakis.

Leto informs Paul that he may have Mentat capabilities. Paul agrees to continue the training to be a Mentat Duke, though he feels the terrible purpose awaken within him.

Chapter 7

In this chapter, the Lady Jessica arrives at the Arrakeen residence with Duke Leto. She feels the house is cold and foreboding, unlike their home on Caladan. Jessica meets the Fremen housekeeper, Shadout Mapes, who implies Jessica may be a prophesied "One" and presents her with a crysknife. Jessica performs the ancient rituals, convincing Mapes she is the promised Bene Gesserit. Meanwhile, Leto makes plans to hang the artifacts of his father in the dining hall against Jessica's wishes. Leto also informs Jessica he will be busy securing the planet and that Paul will attend a strategy meeting. Jessica feels uneasy about the residence and planet. She rushes off to see Paul as Mapes admires her reverently.

Chapter 8

In this chapter, Jessica visits Dr. Yueh before departing for Arrakis. Yueh gives Paul an antique Bible and tells him to read a passage about life originating in water. The book opens to a different passage, causing Yueh distress. Yueh provides background on the fierce Fremen people, warning of giant sandworms. Paul is intrigued and presses Yueh on making the desert habitable, but Yueh says it would be too costly.

Jessica arrives at the Arrakeen residence feeling it is cold and foreboding. She meets the Fremen housekeeper Mapes, who implies Jessica may be a prophesied "One" and gives her a crysknife. Jessica performs the rituals, convincing Mapes she is the promised Bene Gesserit. Meanwhile, Leto makes plans Jessica disagrees with. She feels uneasy and rushes off to see Paul.

Yueh shows Jessica the locals outside, who envy the house's palm trees that require much water. Jessica suspects a living agency is stopping the flow of wells in the desert. Yueh reveals his wife was killed by the Harkonnens, binding him to the Atreides' hatred of their enemies. Jessica tries to reassure Yueh but feels death in the planet, believing the Harkonnens have set a trap.

Chapter 9

In this chapter, Paul wakes up in his room on Arrakis and decides to explore the house, slipping out while his mother believes him to be asleep. A deadly hunter-seeker enters Paul's room, targeting him, but he manages to grab and destroy it just before the Fremen housekeeper Shadout Mapes arrives. Mapes implies she knows there is a traitor among the Atreides. Paul sends Mapes to alert his father's men to find the hunter-seeker operator and seal off the house. Mapes refers to a "weirding room" down the hall. After she leaves, Paul heads towards the weirding room, hoping to find his mother there.

Chapter 10

In this chapter, Jessica finds a secret conservatory room in the Atreides' Arrakeen residence. It contains exotic wet-climate plants and uses copious amounts of water, which is precious on the desert planet Arrakis. Jessica receives a secret message from Lady Margot Fenring, wife of the former Imperial regent Count Fenring, warning that Paul and Duke Leto are in immediate danger from a Harkonnen trap involving Paul's bedroom.

Meanwhile, Paul discovers and destroys a deadly hunter-seeker robot sent to kill him. After conferring with Jessica about the trap, Paul sends word to Leto while Jessica ponders who the traitor could be. She watches mysterious light signals between the cliffs and the plain, realizing Harkonnen agents are communicating. The chapter ends with Hawat's men arriving to escort Paul to Leto.

Chapter 11

In this chapter, Duke Leto contemplates the dangers facing House Atreides on Arrakis while waiting for Paul to arrive at the landing field. Though the Emperor has formally granted Arrakis to House Atreides, Leto knows the native Fremen people and even the local populace still remain hostile. Leto struggles to suppress his rage at the recent assassination attempt on Paul's life by the rival House Harkonnen.

When Paul's shuttle arrives, Leto confers with his loyal troubadour-warrior Gurney Halleck. Halleck agrees to provide forces to help Thufir Hawat secure the area against Harkonnen treachery. Leto also instructs Halleck to recruit valuable spice harvesters from the prior Harkonnen regime who wish to leave Arrakis. Though wary of Harkonnen plants among them, Leto believes persuading the experienced crews to stay will benefit House Atreides.

After Halleck departs, Leto reflects on the need to inspire Paul to accept Arrakis as their new home, despite its harsh conditions. Leto then descends to the landing field, putting on a confident face for his arriving men while suppressing his rage and grief over the attempt on Paul's life. The chapter ends as Leto prepares for the coming confrontation with the scheming Harkonnens who are determined to defeat House Atreides.

Chapter 12

In this chapter, Paul observes his father Duke Leto in the command room the night before departing Caladan. Leto admits Arrakis will be dangerous but they must go to gain control of the spice melange, which powers the Spacing Guild's space travel. Leto explains reducing melange production could ruin their enemies like the Harkonnens.

Leto reveals the Emperor is also stockpiling melange and likely sending disguised Sardaukar troops against House Atreides. Leto sees potential in the Fremen as allies against the Harkonnens. Though wary of the Harkonnen trap on Arrakis, Leto is determined to inspire Paul to accept Arrakis as their new home.

On Arrakis, the Fremen Stilgar arrives during a strategy meeting, carrying the crysknife of his dead friend Turok. Stilgar warns them not to unsheathe the knife without proper rituals. Impressed by Duncan Idaho's respect, Stilgar invites Idaho to become both Fremen and Atreides soldier. Leto agrees, hoping Idaho can recruit Fremen troops.

After Stilgar leaves, Idaho reveals the Harkonnens have offered a huge reward for a crysknife to infiltrate Fremen sietches. Leto orders Idaho to guard his knife and act as ambassador to the Fremen. The meeting ends uneasily, with Leto desperate and Hawat deeply troubled. Paul realizes things are not going well for House Atreides.

Chapter 13

In this chapter, Duke Leto walks through the new Atreides residence on Arrakis, reflecting on the dangers facing his house. He meets with Thufir Hawat and asks him to organize raids on the Harkonnen and Imperial spice stockpiles, to undermine their enemies. Hawat seems nervous, and reveals a suspicious note suggesting Jessica may betray Leto. Though Leto defends Jessica, he allows Hawat to put her under surveillance.

Leto then goes for a walk to clear his head. He finds Paul asleep and watches the sunrise, struck by Arrakis' stark beauty. Leto hopes Arrakis could become a good home for Paul. However, seeing the precious water being harvested in the desert at dawn, he realizes it is a harsh planet that could destroy them. The chapter ends with Leto filled with determination to defeat the scheming Harkonnens and establish House Atreides on Arrakis.

Chapter 14

This chapter focuses on a conversation between Duke Leto and his son Paul the morning before departing Caladan for Arrakis. Leto reveals he has received a suspicious note suggesting Jessica may betray him, part of a Harkonnen plot to make Leto distrust her. Though Leto defends Jessica, he pretends to believe the note to trick the Harkonnens into thinking they have succeeded. Leto hopes this will help reveal the traitor among them. He tells Paul the truth so if anything happens to him, Paul can tell Jessica that Leto never doubted her.

Leto expresses fatigue at the political scheming required as a Great House. He wishes he could make Jessica his official Duchess but doesn't to keep marital alliances open. Leto describes flooding Arrakis with propaganda to win over the people. He sees potential for House Atreides in the desert power and spice wealth of Arrakis. But Leto also worries about the difficult decisions required to hold Arrakis, and the risk of losing their self-respect. He feels resigned to guerrilla warfare if defeated by political schemers like the Harkonnens. The chapter ends with Leto's fatalistic mood as he waits for the ecologist to arrive and make plans for Arrakis.

Chapter 15

Dr. Kynes meets with Duke Leto Atreides and his son Paul before they depart for their inspection of spice mining operations. Kynes is impressed by the Duke's concern for his men over the spice, unlike the prior rulers, the Harkonnens.

When a worm attacks a crawler, the Duke risks himself to rescue the crew despite the valuable spice being lost. Kynes begins to admire the Duke, seeing he may be difficult to defeat with such loyalty from his men.

Paul observes two Fremen escape the worm, though Kynes denies it. The Fremen seem to view Paul as significant. Kynes ponders if Paul could be the prophesied Lisan al-Gaib who can see through deception. The chapter ends with Kynes troubled about the Duke and intrigued by Paul's perceptiveness.

Chapter 16

In this chapter, the Duke hosts a dinner party attended by locals and off-worlders to help establish House Atreides on Arrakis. A banker makes veiled threats against the Duke and Paul, but the ecologist Kynes and smuggler Tuek come to their defense. The banker is revealed as a Harkonnen agent trying to lure Paul into a trap.

Jessica also suspects the Guild is against House Atreides after the banker's comments. The Duke receives word of a foiled Harkonnen lasgun shipment, meaning shields can't fully protect them. After the Duke leaves, Jessica and Halleck detect the trap against Paul.

Kynes implies there is enough water to make Arrakis habitable, but doesn't want this known. Paul realizes Kynes is lying about water out of secrecy. The dinner ends uneasily with Jessica wary of unknown threats and realizing they need more information sources on Arrakis.

Chapter 17

In this chapter, Jessica hears a disturbance in the night and finds Duncan Idaho drunk after escorting a lady home. Idaho insults Jessica, accusing her of being a Harkonnen spy. Jessica realizes Idaho was drugged and orders Hawat brought to her.

Jessica confronts Hawat about spreading suspicion that she will betray the Duke. Though Hawat denies it, Jessica realizes he is the source. She tries to make Hawat see the suspicions weaken the Duke by sowing mistrust among them.

Jessica demonstrates her Bene Gesserit abilities by controlling Hawat with a voice command. She warns him not to cross her, as she has powers he doesn't understand. Jessica argues the Harkonnens are trying to divide them by making Hawat distrust her.

Hawat is shaken by Jessica's display of power over him. He sees she could have killed him. Jessica argues again that there is no traitor, only Harkonnen plots to divide them. She tells Hawat to find the real threat. Hawat leaves, both wary of Jessica yet admiring her loyalty to the Duke.

Chapter 18

In this chapter, Duke Leto receives a cryptic note from a Fremen messenger saying "A column of smoke by day, a pillar of fire by night." Leto reflects on the military and political threats facing House Atreides on Arrakis.

Leto finds the smuggler Tuek murdered in the hall. He discovers the mortally wounded housekeeper Mapes, who implies Jessica sent for Tuek before dying. Leto realizes the shield generators have been sabotaged.

Dr. Yueh appears and paralyzes Leto, revealing he made a deal with the Baron to destroy House Atreides in exchange for killing the Baron later. Yueh replaces one of Leto's teeth with a poison gas capsule and says he will save Paul and Jessica by faking their deaths. Leto loses consciousness as Yueh takes his ring for Paul.

Chapter 19

In this chapter, Jessica and Paul awake to find themselves captured and bound by the Baron and his men. The Baron reveals his intricate plot with Dr. Yueh to defeat House Atreides. Yueh has been conditioned but leveraged to betray the Duke. The Baron and Mentat Piter de Vries mock the Duke's attempts at kanly. Piter wants Lady Jessica as a spoil but the Baron wants the Duke to know he is doomed.

Piter outlines how the Harkonnens will partner with the Emperor's disguised Sardaukar troops to attack and destroy House Atreides. The Baron explains the CHOAM profits they will gain after destroying House Atreides. Feyd-Rautha is pleased the Baron is confirming him as heir by sharing these secrets. The Baron and Piter cruelly anticipate the downfall of House Atreides.

Yueh paralyzes Leto and reveals he made a deal to destroy House Atreides in exchange for later killing the Baron. Yueh replaces one of Leto's teeth with a poison gas capsule and says he will save Paul and Jessica by faking their deaths. Leto loses consciousness as Yueh takes his ring for Paul.

Chapter 20

In this chapter, Dr. Yueh paralyzes Duke Leto and reveals he made a deal with the Baron to destroy House Atreides in exchange for later killing the Baron. Yueh replaces one of Leto's teeth with a poison gas capsule and says he will save Paul and Jessica by faking their deaths. A Sardaukar Bashar finds Leto unconscious and Yueh tells him Leto is merely drugged. The Bashar takes Leto's hawk insignia as a souvenir and asks about his ring. Yueh lies that the Duke sometimes sent the ring with messengers.

The Bashar makes Yueh leave and wait outside. Yueh worries the Baron's arrival is imminent and hopes Idaho follows his instructions to save Paul and Jessica with the escape thopter. The Harkonnen guards mock Yueh as a traitor even though he aided them. Desperate, Yueh sneaks away and hides the Duke's ring and a note in the thopter for Idaho, Paul, and Jessica. Yueh then emerges to wait for the Baron, resigned yet hopeful his plan to save Paul and Jessica and kill the Baron will somehow succeed.

Chapter 21

This chapter focuses on the aftermath of Duke Leto's capture by the Baron and the Sardaukar. The Baron stands at a viewport watching his artillery bombard the caves where Leto's men have retreated. Piter informs the Baron they have captured Leto. The Baron pretends he promised to free Dr. Yueh's wife in exchange for Yueh's betrayal, even though she is dead. When Yueh realizes he has been fooled, Piter kills him.

The Baron interrogates the drugged Leto about Jessica and Paul's whereabouts, threatening torture. Leto recalls the false tooth containing poison gas Yueh gave him and waits for the right moment. When the Baron leans close, Leto bites the tooth, releasing the gas that kills Piter and others in the room. The Baron barely escapes.

A Sardaukar colonel insists on viewing Leto's body to confirm his death was clean and without agony per the Emperor's orders. The Baron reluctantly allows it, knowing the room has not been cleaned up yet. The Sardaukar will see Leto killed many enemies before dying. After the man leaves, the Baron makes plans to regain control of Arrakis using his nephew Rabban's brutality. He also decides to request a new Mentat from Tleilax and take comfort with a young slave who resembles Paul.

Chapter 22

Paul and Jessica hide in a stilltent provided by Dr. Yueh. Paul realizes Yueh helped them escape the Harkonnen attack. Jessica struggles to understand why Yueh saved them after betraying Duke Leto. Paul describes prescient visions showing many paths forward, including living with the Fremen.

In the desert at dawn, Paul tells Jessica the spice is like a poison, changing them so they cannot leave Arrakis. He reveals Jessica is the Baron's daughter, bred by the Bene Gesserit to fix a genetic factor. Though trained as the Kwisatz Haderach, Paul says he is something unexpected.

Paul sees two futures ahead - one where he confronts the Baron, the other leading a jihad across the stars under his father's banner. But Paul chooses the Fremen, who will call him Muad'Dib. He mourns his father, accepting his terrible purpose and the path of the jihad.

Chapter 23

In this chapter, Paul and Jessica arrive at a Fremen sietch after escaping into the desert. They meet Stilgar, who leads the sietch. Stilgar is distrustful of the off-worlders but allows Paul and Jessica to stay after they demonstrate value. Paul shows impressive fighting skills by defeating Jamis, who challenged him to combat. By Fremen custom, Paul gains Jamis' wife Harah and sons. Jessica uses her Bene Gesserit abilities to detect poison and save two men. Impressed, Stilgar makes Paul and Jessica full Fremen. Paul chooses the name Muad'Dib. He sees a vision of leading the Fremen to rule Arrakis. Jessica worries about the path Paul is taking but knows she cannot stop the jihad he will unleash.

Chapter 24

In this chapter, Paul and Jessica have escaped into the desert after the Harkonnen attack on House Atreides. They hide in a sealed stilltent, relying on reclaimed moisture to survive. Jessica dreams of her unknown Bene Gesserit mother who gave her away. Paul vows vengeance against the Harkonnens, saying they must hit them by undermining the spice.

When a storm buries their tent in sand, Paul and Jessica dig out at nightfall. They spot distant signs of violence - pillars of fire from lasguns and jetflares. Realizing Harkonnen forces are hunting them, Paul decides they must head south, using the rocky terrain as cover. But before they can leave, ornithopters descend overhead, trapping them.

Chapter 25

Thufir Hawat and his remaining forces hide from Harkonnen patrols in a rocky basin. A Fremen scout arrives and warns them not to use shields, which attract sandworms. The Fremen is impressed by Hawat's dedication to killing the traitor who betrayed House Atreides. He offers to help Hawat's wounded if they share their water, as is the Fremen custom.

More Fremen arrive and render the dead soldier Arkie for his water, angering Hawat's men. Hawat calms them, saying they have joined the Fremen's tribe by sharing water. The Fremen promise to treat Arkie with reverence and help the wounded.

A captured Atreides ornithopter lands Sardaukar disguised as Harkonnens. The Fremen ambush and kill them, capturing the aircraft. Impressed, Hawat realizes the Fremen are formidable fighters. When Sardaukar attack, the Fremen sacrifice a man in a suicidal air attack to destroy a troop carrier and hundreds of Sardaukar. But more Sardaukar arrive and stun Hawat.

Chapter 26

In this chapter, Paul and Jessica escape into the desert after the Harkonnen attack on House Atreides. They hide in a sealed stilltent, relying on reclaimed moisture to survive. When a storm buries their tent in sand, they dig out and spot signs of violence - pillars of fire from lasguns and jetflares. Realizing Harkonnen forces are hunting them, Paul decides they must head south using the rocky terrain as cover. But before they can leave, ornithopters descend overhead, trapping them.

Duncan Idaho arrives in a captured ornithopter with Dr. Kynes. Kynes takes Paul and Jessica to an abandoned ecological testing station, pursued by Sardaukar disguised as Harkonnens. Idaho sacrifices himself to block their entry while Paul, Jessica and Kynes escape through a secret passage. Kynes directs them to a hidden ornithopter and instructs them to ride a storm across the desert to cover their escape.

Paul and Jessica find the ornithopter and fly into the storm. They struggle to control the aircraft against the extreme winds. Realizing they cannot escape the storm, Paul decides they must ride it out at high altitude to survive. Jessica recites the Bene Gesserit litany against fear to master her panic. Paul vows they will somehow prevail.

Chapter 27

In this chapter, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen discusses with his guard captain Iakin Nefud the supposed deaths of Paul Atreides and Lady Jessica in a sandstorm. Though their bodies have not been recovered, the Baron seems satisfied they must be dead.

The Baron then meets with his nephew Rabban, whom he puts in charge of ruthlessly squeezing Arrakis for profits to repay House Harkonnen's massive military expenses. Rabban is given free rein besides producing income.

Rabban reveals the Sardaukar are hunting down Fremen after a Fremen force defeated the Sardaukar and captured Thufir Hawat. The Baron dismisses the threat of the Fremen. He plots to get Hawat from the Sardaukar, poisoning him to turn him into a Harkonnen Mentat.

The Baron decides to have Kynes killed even though he is an Imperial servant. Rabban is ordered to hold hostages from all Houses Minor on Arrakis and spread the story that the Duke died in an accident after refusing exile. The Baron wants no stories of Sardaukar involvement to escape. He charges Rabban with utterly crushing the people of Arrakis without mercy to keep them enslaved.

Chapter 28

In this chapter, Paul and Jessica have escaped into the desert after the Harkonnen attack on House Atreides. They struggle to control their ornithopter in a massive sandstorm, riding it out at high altitude. After crash-landing, they head towards rocky terrain for cover. Sensing they are being hunted, Paul decides they must travel south using the rocks to hide their presence. But before they can leave, ornithopters descend overhead, trapping them.

Duncan Idaho arrives in a stolen ornithopter with Dr. Kynes. Kynes takes Paul and Jessica to an abandoned ecological station, but they are pursued by Sardaukar disguised as Harkonnens. Idaho sacrifices himself to block their entry while Paul, Jessica and Kynes escape through a secret passage. Kynes directs them to a hidden ornithopter and tells them to ride a storm across the desert to cover their escape.

Paul and Jessica struggle to control the ornithopter in the extreme winds of the storm. Realizing they cannot escape, Paul decides to ride it out at high altitude. Jessica recites the Bene Gesserit litany against fear to master her panic. Paul vows they will somehow prevail.

Chapter 29

In this chapter, Gurney Halleck meets with the smuggler Staban Tuek, son of Esmar Tuek, who has been helping Halleck and his surviving Atreides men after the Harkonnen attack. Tuek offers Halleck's men sanctuary but warns against open moves against the Harkonnens, as it would violate their Guild contract. Tuek implies Jessica and Paul are likely dead, though Thufir Hawat has been captured. Halleck vows to stay on Arrakis and have his revenge on the Harkonnens, especially Rabban.

Tuek tries to dissuade Halleck from joining the Fremen, who he says live desperate lives. Halleck is intrigued by rumors the Fremen killed Sardaukar troops disguised as Harkonnens. He releases his men from their bond to him to choose their own path. Halleck pledges loyalty to Tuek, who accepts his sword and asks him to persuade his men to stay. Halleck agrees to see to their quarters and well-being, pondering if he should really convince them to stay or allow them to choose freely.

Chapter 30

Paul and Jessica climb up a cliff to escape a sandworm, following poles left by Fremen. At the top they find a beautiful moonlit basin with desert plants. They decide to camp there, but are surprised by Fremen voices above them. The Fremen want to kill them quickly for the water in their bodies. Paul and Jessica prepare to defend themselves, realizing the Fremen move with stealth. More Fremen voices are heard and they are surrounded.

Chapter 31

In this chapter, Planetologist Liet-Kynes is left to die in the desert by Harkonnen troops after trying to help the Duke's son Paul Atreides. As he crawls across the dunes, delirious and dying from his wounds, he hears his dead father lecturing him about ecology and transforming Arrakis into a fertile planet. Kynes reflects on his father's teachings as he struggles to find shelter and water.

Kynes smells a pre-spice mass forming under the sand which will soon explode, attracting worms that could save him. But without hooks to mount a worm, Kynes despairs. Carrion birds circle overhead, hoping Kynes dies so they can feed. In his delirium, Kynes argues with his father's voice, wishing he would stop lecturing and help him instead.

As Kynes weakens, a hawk grows bold and approaches to feed. But Kynes hears the pre-spice mass rumbling beneath him, realizing it will burst and exchange what is deep in the sand with the surface. As the bubble lifts and engulfs him, dragging him down, Kynes embraces his identity as a desert creature. He finds relief in the cool darkness, accepting that accident and error are the most persistent principles of the universe.

Chapter 32

The chapter begins with an epigraph from Irulan reflecting on the challenges of testing prophecy and prescience. Paul and Jessica are confronted by Stilgar and his Fremen troop. Stilgar implies they may offer sanctuary to the fugitives, but the Fremen argue over killing them for their water. Stilgar invokes Liet's message to seek Paul, and tests Jessica's fighting abilities, realizing her value in training the Fremen. Paul escapes and observes, realizing the Fremen are a formidable fighting force. Stilgar makes a pact with Jessica to teach the Fremen her weirding abilities in return for accepting her and Paul. Paul meets Chani, recognizing her from his visions. Stilgar sets the Fremen to obliterating their tracks as they head for his sietch before daylight. Jessica ponders the military precision of the entire Fremen culture.

Chapter 33

In this chapter, Paul and Jessica arrive at the Cave of the Ridges with Stilgar and his Fremen troop before dawn. Stilgar posts lookouts and hurries them inside, wary of patrols spotting them. Paul notices the Fremen's military precision. Chani urges Paul to hurry into the cave.

Stilgar shows Jessica the view of another basin where Fremen families live. He explains the Fremen bribe the Spacing Guild with spice to keep satellites away, so their terraforming efforts remain secret. Jessica is shocked to learn the Fremen ride giant sandworms.

Stilgar implies Jessica could cement her power by challenging him or becoming Reverend Mother, but she declines. Stilgar admires Jessica's loyalty to Duke Leto. He reveals his wish for the Fremen to change Arrakis slowly through planting, not violence.

Paul tastes a spice-laced morsel from Chani and has a prescient vision of many paths forward. He sees a nexus of possibilities focused in the cave. The slightest action creates vast effects across the universe. Paul sees countless futures where he dies from a knife wound. He struggles to grasp the present without triggering disastrous consequences.

Chapter 34

In this chapter, Paul awakens in the cave of Stilgar's sietch after killing Jamis in a knife fight. Jessica realizes Paul has undergone a profound change after taking a man's life. Stilgar gives Paul the Fremen name Muad'Dib, which also becomes his common name, along with Usul as his secret sietch name. The Fremen perform a ceremony for Jamis and accept water from Paul and Jessica's reserves. Paul continues to struggle with prescient visions of potential bloody futures for himself and the Fremen. He vows not to let those terrible futures come to pass.

Chapter 35

In this chapter, Paul and Jessica attend the Fremen funeral ceremony for Jamis in the cave. Stilgar leads the ceremony, recovering Jamis' water and distributing his belongings according to Fremen custom. Though hesitant at first, Paul takes Jamis' baliset and water, saying he wishes he had known Jamis better. Paul sheds tears, which the Fremen see as a sacred gift of moisture to the dead.

After the ceremony, the Fremen take Jamis' body water to a hidden reservoir containing over 38 million decaliters collected for terraforming Arrakis. Stilgar describes their dream of turning Arrakis into a fertile world by trapping water from the polar ice. The Fremen are devoted to this ecological vision.

Paul feels unable to change the course of the jihad to come. As they wait for the moon to rise and guide Jamis' spirit, Paul sings a melancholy song on the baliset. Jessica realizes with fear that Paul is romantically interested in Chani. She resolves to warn him against involvement with the Fremen women. The chapter ends with Jessica realizing she has lost control and become Paul's enemy by training him and unleashing the jihad.

Chapter 36

In this chapter, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen kills his 100th slave gladiator in an arena event attended by the Fenrings from the Imperial Court. The Baron hopes to impress them and gain the Emperor's approval of Feyd-Rautha as his heir. Feyd-Rautha fights a formidable gladiator who almost defeats him. It's revealed the slave was not drugged per plan and tried to kill Feyd-Rautha, likely part of a scheme by Thufir Hawat. Feyd-Rautha wins using poison but admires the slave's bravery and buries him with honor, impressing the crowd.

Afterwards, the Fenrings imply the fight was staged and Feyd-Rautha knew the slave was undrugged. They believe Hawat is behind it, trying to show Feyd-Rautha as a worthy heir. The Fenrings plot to gain influence over Feyd-Rautha through the Lady seducing him. They believe he is the only way to preserve the Harkonnen bloodline they need, which the Baron has corrupted. The Baron orders a fete after the fight, but plans to punish the implicated slavemaster. Feyd-Rautha emerges as a dangerous and admired heir after his arena performance.

Chapter 37

In this chapter, Paul arrives at the sietch with Stilgar's troop before dawn. He notices their military precision and discipline. Chani urges Paul to hurry into the cave. Stilgar shows Jessica the view of another basin where Fremen families live, explaining they bribe the Guild to keep satellites away. Jessica is shocked to learn the Fremen ride giant sandworms. Stilgar offers Jessica power by challenging him or becoming Reverend Mother, but she declines.

Paul tastes a spice-laced morsel from Chani and has a prescient vision of many paths forward focused on the cave. He sees countless futures where he dies from a knife wound. Paul struggles to grasp the present without triggering disastrous consequences.

After killing Jamis in a knife fight, Paul undergoes a profound change. Stilgar gives him the name Muad'Dib and he gains Jamis' quarters, coffee service, and wife Harah. In their quarters, Harah implies Paul may have to prove himself to the sietch. Paul learns about Fremen culture and technology like dew collectors. He observes Fremen resolve and efficiency even as they prepare to abandon the sietch. Paul worries about the path he is on but feels unable to change the coming jihad.

Chapter 38

In this chapter, Jessica undergoes the spice agony to become a Reverend Mother after the Fremen sietch's Reverend Mother Ramallo is too old to survive another migration. Though worried for her unborn daughter, Jessica drinks the Water of Life. She achieves the awareness of a Reverend Mother, with Ramallo dying and passing her memories to Jessica. Paul drinks the Water of Life as well during the ritual and has visions of the future. Chani takes Paul to her quarters, afraid yet drawn to his prescience. Paul sees the jihad ahead, with brief moments of peace and love with Chani between the storms. He vows to stay with her as she gives him comfort.

Chapter 39

In this chapter, Paul and the Fremen attack a Harkonnen spice mining operation at Habbanya Ridge. Paul leads the raid, using Fremen weapons like weirding modules that amplify and direct the human voice into a destructive force. The Fremen easily overwhelm the Harkonnen forces.

After securing the area, Paul inspects the mining equipment and reflects on the addictive nature of the spice melange. He orders the equipment destroyed. Stilgar worries about Paul's reluctance to preserve the equipment for Fremen use. Paul explains he wants to deny resources to their enemies and keep the Fremen from becoming dependent on technology.

Stilgar accepts Paul's reasoning but remains concerned about Paul's visions of the future and the path he is leading them down. Stilgar worries Paul's prescience and charisma could make the Fremen a force of oppression rather than liberation. He reminds Paul that the Fremen way is cautious change through planting.

Paul acknowledges Stilgar's wisdom. He promises to proceed carefully and not unleash the dangerous futures he foresees. Paul reaffirms his commitment to transform Arrakis into a fertile world alongside the Fremen. The chapter ends with Paul and Stilgar united in their dream for Arrakis, even as Paul struggles to avoid the violent jihad awaiting in potential futures.

Chapter 40

The Baron confronts his guard captain Nefud for not monitoring Feyd-Rautha's activities closely enough. Feyd-Rautha arrives, revealing his own spy network. The Baron orders Nefud to kill the slavemaster and others as punishment.

Privately, the Baron tells Feyd-Rautha that his assassination attempt failed but agrees to a bargain - Feyd-Rautha will stop trying to kill the Baron, who will step aside when Feyd-Rautha is ready. The Baron will use Thufir Hawat to watch over Feyd-Rautha.

Feyd-Rautha accepts, seeing he still needs the Baron's support for now. The Baron reveals he manipulates Hawat's desire for revenge to serve their needs. Feyd-Rautha realizes Hawat plays both sides. The Baron makes Feyd-Rautha kill all the pleasure slaves as punishment for the failed assassination. Feyd-Rautha submits, biding his time until he no longer needs the Baron.

Chapter 41

Thufir Hawat meets with Baron Harkonnen and they discuss the secrets of Salusa Secundus being the source of the Emperor's feared Sardaukar troops. The prison planet's harsh conditions make the strongest survivors into an elite fighting force. Hawat implies Duke Leto knew this secret and was building a comparable force with the Fremen of Arrakis.

The Baron realizes his nephew Rabban's brutal oppression of Arrakis has unintentionally created a huge force of hardened Fremen warriors. Hawat advises the Baron to abandon Rabban and let him reap what he has sown. The Baron agrees to a plan where Rabban's harsh quotas make conditions worse on Arrakis, allowing the Baron to intervene later as a savior with his heir Feyd-Rautha.

Hawat ponders the reports about the religious leader Muad'Dib building an underground force on Arrakis. He wonders if Paul Atreides or Duncan Idaho could have survived to lead the Fremen. Hawat resolves to strike a final blow against the Baron despite these uncertainties.

Chapter 42

In this chapter, Paul prepares to undergo the Fremen rite of passage - riding a giant sandworm across the desert. He reflects on prescient visions of potential bloody futures for himself and the Fremen, vowing not to let those terrible futures come to pass.

Stilgar oversees the ritual, giving Paul a thumper to summon a worm and hooks to mount it. Paul stands alone on a dune and activates the thumper, scanning the horizon for signs of an approaching worm. An immense one arrives from the southeast, larger than any Paul has seen. He takes his position along its path, preparing to mount and ride it as his test to become a true Fremen.

Chapter 43

Jessica waits in her chambers, sensing that Paul is undergoing the Fremen rite to become a sandrider. Harah arrives with Alia, annoyed that Alia touched a newborn baby to quiet him. Alia explains she just wanted to feel his lifeforce. Harah worries about how strange Alia seems to the Fremen. Jessica acknowledges Alia is different due to being pre-born with her ancestral memories.

Harah pledges to explain Alia's uniqueness to the Fremen, as she loves Alia like her own child. Alia describes her pre-born consciousness and absorbing her ancestors' memories in Jessica's womb during the Water of Life ceremony.

Chanting is heard signaling Paul's sandrider test is beginning. In the ritual mourning that follows, Harah bitterly vows the Fremen will never forgive or forget the Harkonnen raids.

Tharthar arrives with news - Fremen youth plan to force Paul to call out Stilgar and take command after becoming a sandrider. Jessica sends Alia to listen and intervene, worried about disunity. She and Harah discuss Paul's relationship with Chani, who Harah surprisingly warns Jessica not to underestimate in devotion to Paul's interests. The chapter ends tensely as Jessica hopes Paul can resolve the Fremen's unrest to maintain tribal strength.

Chapter 44

In this chapter, Paul waits to attempt the Fremen rite of passage - riding a giant sandworm across the desert. Stilgar oversees the ritual, giving Paul a thumper to summon a worm and hooks to mount it. An immense worm arrives and Paul manages to mount and ride it successfully. However, Stilgar criticizes Paul for not positioning himself properly to retreat if needed. Paul accepts the criticism, realizing he must always leave himself an escape option when facing danger.

The Fremen chant Paul's name joyfully as they all ride the worm. Paul asks to go south with the troop to see more of Arrakis. Stilgar implies Paul may have to challenge him for command after becoming a sandrider. But Paul says he swore loyalty to Stilgar when joining the Fremen's Fedaykin death commandos. Stilgar agrees to send messages for a Gathering of Fremen leaders to discuss their direction.

They spot a smuggler ornithopter scouting for spice. Paul decides to set a trap for the smugglers to teach them that Arrakis now belongs to the Fremen. Stilgar approves of Paul's more Fremen-like thinking. But Paul worries about controlling the Fremen while avoiding the violent futures he foresees. He needs time to unravel the knots in the storm of time. Stilgar says they will camp at Cave of Birds beneath Habbanya Ridge. The chapter ends with Paul committed to his perilous path, hoping to find another way to prevent the jihad.

Chapter 45

Gurney Halleck leads a group of smugglers to harvest spice in the deep desert. They are ambushed by Paul and his Fremen troops, who destroy the smugglers' equipment. Gurney is shocked to discover Paul is alive, having believed him dead after the Harkonnen attack on House Atreides. Paul makes Gurney and the surviving smugglers his prisoners, distrusting some of the new recruits among them.

Paul questions Gurney about Rabban's rule of Arrakis. Gurney warns Paul about Imperial Sardaukar spies among the smugglers. After seeing Paul ride a sandworm, Gurney realizes the Fremen are a formidable fighting force. Paul prepares to set a trap for the smugglers, hoping to avoid the violent futures he foresees.

Sardaukar spies hidden among the smugglers attack in the cave shelter. After the battle, Paul decides to let the Sardaukar go to send a message to the Emperor about the new Fremen fighting force. Gurney protests, warning this will bring the Emperor's wrath, but Paul is resolute. Stilgar challenges Paul's leadership, but acknowledges him as Duke after realizing he cannot harm Muad'Dib. Paul sends Chani away for her safety as he prepares for the next phase of the war against the Harkonnens.

Chapter 46

Paul and Jessica arrive at the Fremen sietch. Paul addresses the Fremen, who want him to challenge Stilgar's leadership. Paul refuses, saying it would divide the Fremen when they need unity. He reveals a message showing the Harkonnens have cut off Rabban's support, indicating it's time to attack. Paul puts on his father's ducal ring and claims Arrakis as his rightful fief. Stilgar swears loyalty to Duke Paul Muad'Dib.

Paul meets with Stilgar and other leaders to plan an attack. He goes to drown a small sandworm to undergo the spice agony and gain prescience. Jessica waits in her chambers. Gurney Halleck bursts in, holding her at knifepoint, accusing her of betraying Duke Leto. Paul reveals it was Dr. Yueh and makes Gurney stand down. Gurney plays the baliset to soothe Jessica. Paul leaves to drown the worm, hoping to see the future path clearly.

Chapter 47

In this chapter, Paul is in a coma after taking a drop of the Water of Life. Jessica reveals to Chani that she believes Paul has been poisoned and she summoned Chani in the hope that she could help revive him. Chani realizes Paul likely took the poison himself in an attempt to gain the awareness of a Reverend Mother. She has Jessica convert a small amount of the Water of Life, which revives Paul momentarily. Paul then takes more of the sacred water himself, undergoing the spice agony and gaining profound prescience.

Paul describes seeing into the place that terrifies Reverend Mothers. He forces Jessica to show him this place, which overwhelms her with fear. Paul asserts he is now able to be many places at once like the prophesied Kwisatz Haderach. He reveals that the Padishah Emperor and all the Great Houses wait above Arrakis to attack, but the Spacing Guild blocks them, unable to find Paul and desperate for the spice. Paul proposes destroying the spice cycle on Arrakis using the Water of Life, which would remove the Guild's ability to navigate space and control the planet. The chapter ends with Paul's prescient visions fading as the spice trance wears off.

Chapter 48

Paul and his men observe the Emperor's forces from a hidden vantage point in the cliffs above Arrakeen. A massive metal hutment houses the Emperor and his legions of Sardaukar warriors. Paul knows the Emperor believes his forces are shielded, but a coming storm will destroy the shields and leave them exposed.

Paul's men have set explosives to breach the Shield Wall and unleash the storm's full force. As the storm builds, Paul gives the order and Gurney detonates the explosives. The storm rages through the gap, destroying the enemy's shields. Paul's gunners target the unprotected ships.

Amidst the chaos, garbled reports come in that the Emperor's forces raided a Fremen sietch, killing Paul's infant son and taking his sister Alia captive. Paul feels emptied, believing everything he touches brings death and grief. He senses a cruel force chuckling within him, as his path ahead grows darker.

Chapter 49

The Baron is summoned before the Emperor and questioned about the Fremen uprising on Arrakis. The Emperor reveals he has captured Paul's sister Alia. Alia warns the Baron of Muad'Dib's coming attack. When the Emperor threatens Alia's life, she stabs the Baron with a poison needle. Muad'Dib's forces attack the Emperor's tent city during a storm. Alia escapes in the chaos. The Emperor retreats to his ship with his Sardaukar troops. Muad'Dib's Fremen army approaches on sandworms. The Guild navigators imply Muad'Dib's future is unclear. The Emperor and Reverend Mother Mohiam plot treachery as their last resort against Muad'Dib.

Chapter 50

In this chapter, Paul faces Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen in a duel to the death after defeating the Emperor's Sardaukar forces. The duel is a culmination of the long feud between House Atreides and House Harkonnen. Feyd-Rautha fights with a poisoned blade, trying to gain an advantage, but Paul manages to avoid the poison and fatally stabs Feyd-Rautha.

With the Harkonnens defeated, Paul confronts the Emperor about marrying his daughter Princess Irulan to seal an alliance, which would open the way for House Atreides to take the imperial throne. The old Truthsayer Reverend Mother Mohiam protests that Paul's jihad threatens the universe, but he silences her.

Seeing no other choice, the defeated Emperor agrees to negotiate the marriage alliance. Paul instructs his mother Jessica to handle the negotiations, asking for control of Arrakis and CHOAM holdings as dowry. Jessica is named Duchess of Caladan, while Stilgar becomes Governor of Arrakis. Chani asks not to be titled Paul's concubine. He vows she will be his true wife, while Irulan gets only his name. The chapter ends with Jessica telling Chani that though Irulan has the title, history will remember Chani and Jessica as Paul's wives.