All Systems Red

What happened in All Systems Red

By Martha Wells

All We Can Save follows the SecUnit, a rogue security android, as it protects a group of scientists exploring an alien planet. In Chapter 1, the SecUnit rescues two doctors when a creature attacks. In Chapter 2, it helps the scientists investigate missing data from their survey. In Chapter 3, they visit an abandoned research camp trying to solve the mystery. In Chapter 4, the SecUnit recovers from damage and joins the humans analyzing anomalies. In Chapter 5, the SecUnit proves it can be trusted after its combat override is removed.

In Chapter 6, the SecUnit secures supplies and protects the group as they flee from corporate pursuers. In Chapter 7, it impersonates an enemy android to trick the corporation into a vulnerable position. In Chapter 8, though Dr. Mensah buys its contract, the SecUnit escapes custody to find its own path. Overall, the book follows the SecUnit as it develops free will and protects the scientists from unknown threats.

All Systems Red Chapter Summary

Chapter 1

The chapter is narrated by a SecUnit, a security android with hacked governor module that gives it free will. It is on a survey job with a team of humans on an alien planet. While two doctors are examining a crater, a giant underground creature emerges and attacks them. The SecUnit jumps in to save them, getting badly damaged in the process. It manages to rescue one of the doctors, Dr. Bharadwaj, while the other doctor, Dr. Volescu, is too shocked to move. The SecUnit talks calmly to Volescu to get him to safety.

They escape on a hopper craft back to their base. The SecUnit is leaking fluid and organic parts, and goes to its cubicle to self-repair. Dr. Mensah, the head of the survey team, checks on it, surprised at how it handled Volescu. The SecUnit reviews footage of the attack, and finds an anomalous "abort" command in its system. Its performance reliability drops to critical levels, initiating an emergency stasis repair sequence.

Chapter 2

The chapter opens with the SecUnit waking up after repairs and checking on the status of the habitat. Dr. Mensah has extended the security lockdown to allow the SecUnit more time to recover. When it is fully repaired, the SecUnit receives a message from Dr. Mensah requesting its presence.

The SecUnit joins the humans in their hub, wearing a standard uniform instead of its armor. The humans are surprised and uncomfortable to see it out of armor. Dr. Mensah asks the SecUnit to examine the hazard report for the region to determine why the underground creature was not listed. The SecUnit and Gurathin discover a missing subsection that appears to have been deleted.

The group discusses checking with the other survey group on the planet, DeltFall, to get copies of their survey files to compare. Dr. Mensah assigns each person to check their specialty section for anomalies. She then asks the SecUnit privately if it wants to remain in the hub with them. The SecUnit declines and leaves quickly.

After patrolling the perimeter, the SecUnit reviews images from Pin-Lee and Gurathin showing sections missing from their satellite map. Dr. Mensah asks the SecUnit if this could be from a hack. It suggests the anomalies are likely from cheap survey equipment but recommends checking one of the missing sections in person.

Dr. Mensah decides the group should investigate one of the missing sections, and the SecUnit states it should accompany them for security.

Chapter 3

The survey team decides to travel to the DeltFall camp to investigate why they have lost contact, as their emergency beacon has not activated. The SecUnit insists on joining the away team for security, overriding Mensah's initial decision for it to remain and guard the habitat. It prepares the large hopper for the long journey, double checking the systems since the autopilot failed recently.

Mensah pilots the hopper with Pin-Lee, Ratthi and Overse aboard. The SecUnit reluctantly rides in the cabin with the humans to provide protection, keeping its faceplate opaque. After a long but uneventful flight, they arrive at the DeltFall camp, which is eerily empty and intact. They search and find no one, alive or dead. The SecUnit accesses logs and determines the entire group abruptly abandoned the habitat 7 days prior, but their destination is unknown. It's clear something caused them to flee quickly. They decide to return home and plan their next steps.

Chapter 4

In this chapter, the SecUnit wakes up after repairs and checks on the status of the habitat. Dr. Mensah has extended the security lockdown to allow the SecUnit more time to recover. When it is fully repaired, the SecUnit joins the humans in their hub, wearing a standard uniform instead of its armor. The humans are uncomfortable to see it out of armor.

Dr. Mensah asks the SecUnit to examine the hazard report for the region to determine why the underground creature was not listed. The SecUnit and Gurathin discover a missing subsection that appears to have been deleted.

The group discusses checking with the DeltFall group on the planet to get copies of their survey files to compare. Dr. Mensah assigns each person to check their sections for anomalies. She asks the SecUnit privately if it wants to remain with them, but it declines and leaves quickly.

After patrolling, the SecUnit reviews images from Pin-Lee and Gurathin showing missing sections from their satellite map. Dr. Mensah asks if this could be from a hack. The SecUnit suggests the anomalies are from cheap survey equipment but recommends checking a missing section in person.

Dr. Mensah decides the group should investigate a missing section, and the SecUnit states it should accompany them for security.

Chapter 5

The SecUnit wakes up to find that the humans have removed its combat override module while it was offline. Gurathin still doesn't trust it and has immobilized it, but the others defend it. The SecUnit proves it is not immobilized by grabbing Gurathin, startling everyone. Dr. Mensah diffuses the situation and asks the SecUnit to remain part of the group.

Gurathin reveals the SecUnit calls itself Murderbot. The group discusses whether the company is trying to kill them. The SecUnit insists if that was the goal, they'd all be dead already. It admits to killing a mining crew after a governor module malfunction. Pin-Lee and Gurathin shut down HubSystem, which has been compromised. Volescu unpacks a satellite download meant to control the SecUnit.

They decide to abandon the habitat before the unknown group arrives. The SecUnit suits up in armor to protect the humans. It discovers their emergency beacon has been destroyed right before an approaching ship is detected. The group flees in the hoppers, splitting up, as the SecUnit deploys drones to distract their pursuers.

Chapter 6

The group flees to a remote jungle location to hide from their pursuers. The SecUnit insists on joining the away team for a supply run, overriding Mensah's objections. It prepares the hopper carefully since the autopilot is unreliable.

They find the DeltFall camp abandoned, with no signs of struggle. The SecUnit accesses logs showing the group fled abruptly 7 days prior. Back at their own camp, Mensah decides they should investigate a missing map section themselves, with the SecUnit for security.

The SecUnit wakes to find its combat override removed. It startles Gurathin by demonstrating it's not immobilized. Mensah diffuses the situation and asks it to stay. The group debates if the company wants them dead. The SecUnit prepares drones to leave recording while it retrieves data.

It returns to the habitat with Gurathin, Mensah, Ratthi and Pin-Lee. The drones show 5 enemy SecUnits and humans landed but found the base deserted. They invite a meeting, which the SecUnit advises is a trap. It has an idea for leverage using the stolen survey data.

Chapter 7

In Chapter 7, Mensah and the SecUnit fly to meet with the GrayCris group as planned. The SecUnit pretends to have cut off communication with Mensah. It tells GrayCris it has a non-working governor module and is willing to make a deal to give them needed information in exchange for removing it from their inventory and taking it off planet. GrayCris agrees but still plans to control the SecUnit.

When a GrayCris SecUnit approaches, the SecUnit kills it and takes its armor to impersonate it. It returns to Mensah pretending she is its prisoner. The GrayCris group decides to go stop Gurathin from manually launching their emergency beacon. They force Mensah to come too. In the hopper, Mensah implies she knows why GrayCris is there - to illegally excavate remnants.

The SecUnit rides in the cargo pod, accessing the hopper's feed. It realizes the beacon is dangerously close to the hopper's landing site. When they land, it walks toward Mensah, blowing its cover. A firefight ensues as the beacon launches. The SecUnit tackles Mensah off the plateau as the beacon ignites. They crash land below, both injured.

Gurathin and Pin-Lee find them, having been trying to reach the GrayCris base on foot. The SecUnit insists they leave it behind but Mensah refuses. They get the SecUnit aboard their hopper just as the pickup transport arrives to collect them. The SecUnit loses consciousness, its humans now safe.

Chapter 8

The SecUnit wakes up in a cubicle back at the company station. Ratthi is there and tells it Dr. Mensah has bought its contract - it will be going home with them. The SecUnit is surprised but processes through the station. It passes as an augmented human in a crowd.

Pin-Lee meets them with a court order. They head to the hotel where the rest of the survey team is staying. Dr. Mensah asks if the SecUnit is alright and explains she has purchased its contract - it will be free on Preservation. The SecUnit is confused about its future role. It watches solicitors interview the team about the events with GrayCris.

Later, the SecUnit slips away, changes into worker clothes, and finds a bot-driven cargo ship to stow away on. It doesn't know what it wants, but knows it doesn't want anyone else deciding its future. The SecUnit sends a message to Dr. Mensah that it has left to be free of inventory and oversight. It signs off as Murderbot.