Two Twisted Crowns

What happened in Two Twisted Crowns

By Rachel Gillig

The Mist-Torn Witches follows the story of Elspeth, a young woman infected with a mysterious fever that gives her strange powers. Elspeth keeps her abilities secret, but is eventually discovered by Prince Ravyn and his companions, known as the Destriers. They take Elspeth to King Rowan's castle, where she pretends her powers have faded. In truth, Elspeth makes a deal with an ancient spirit known as the Nightmare, allowing it to possess her body in exchange for more magic.

Meanwhile, Ravyn's brother Elm becomes fascinated by Elspeth's cousin Ione, who possesses a hidden power of her own through the Maiden Card. Ione came to the castle to secretly retrieve her lost Card.

Ravyn leads a quest into the misty woods with the Nightmare, who inhabits Elspeth's body, seeking the missing Twin Alders Card. During their perilous journey, Ravyn tries desperately to reach Elspeth's trapped spirit.

Back at the castle, King Rowan is murdered by his son Hauth, who takes control using the Scythe Card. When Ravyn returns with the recovered Twin Alders Card, a battle ensues on Solstice night. Ravyn is gravely wounded. Elm and Ione ultimately confront and kill Hauth, uniting the Providence Cards Deck. The mist lifts, Elspeth's spirit returns, and Elm becomes the new king.

Two Twisted Crowns Chapter Summary

Chapter 1

The chapter opens with the narrator, Elspeth, floating in darkness and water. She has no sense of time or place, just a persistent thought to "let me out." Eventually a beach appears and a man in golden armor stands watching her. As she drifts closer, calling out "let me out," the man pulls her from the water onto the black sand beach. He seems to know her and tells her he's been waiting for her.

Chapter 2

In chapter 2, Ravyn digs in a chamber at the base of a yew tree, searching for answers about the Shepherd King. He finds a sword and human remains buried there. A young ghost named Tilly appears in the tree above and reveals she is the daughter of the Shepherd King. She tells Ravyn that the Shepherd King and his family were killed by King Rowan. Ravyn realizes the spirit within Elspeth is the Shepherd King, seeking revenge against the Rowan family line.

Chapter 3

The Prince arrives at Hawthorn House, Elspeth's family home, to search for Cards and information about her whereabouts. The house is empty as the family has fled. Ione, Elspeth's cousin, unexpectedly appears. The Prince is startled but does not harm her. His companions, the Destriers, suggest bringing Ione to the King for questioning about Elspeth's attack on the High Prince. The Prince compels the Destriers to ignore Ione so he can speak with her privately.

Ione seems unafraid of being taken to the King. She reveals she knows the Prince and his companions previously associated with Elspeth. The Prince lies, denying knowing anything unusual about Elspeth. Ione describes her cousin as secretive and strange. The Prince takes Ione from Hawthorn House to bring her to the King's castle. Ione departs her home calmly, seeming to accept her fate.

Chapter 4

In Chapter 4, Elspeth remains stranded on the black sand beach with the mysterious Taxus. She struggles to remember anything about herself or her past, while Taxus seems to know her. Taxus tells Elspeth a cryptic rhyme about a girl, a king, and a monster they became. The rhyme hints at a shared history between Elspeth and the king. Elspeth presses Taxus for more information about their relationship and the meaning of the rhyme. Taxus speaks elusively, suggesting he and Elspeth were once the same person in some way. His vague answers only deepen Elspeth's confusion over her identity and their connection.

Chapter 5

In Chapter 5, Ravyn brings the Nightmare, who is possessing Elspeth's body, to meet with King Rowan. The King questions the Nightmare about the location of the missing Twin Alders Card. The Nightmare speaks cryptically, saying the Card is hidden deep in an unmapped wood and the journey will require three barters.

The first barter will take place at a dark, mirrored lake. The second will occur at the edge of the wood where one cannot turn back. The final barter will happen in a sorrowful, bloody place from where they may not return.

Throughout the conversation, Ravyn struggles with the fact this monster wears Elspeth's face and form. He vows to learn from the Nightmare how to reach Elspeth's spirit hidden deep in her own mind.

Chapter 6

In Chapter 6, Elm and Ione travel through the rain to the King's castle. They are stopped by three highwaymen who demand Elm's Scythe and Black Horse Cards. When one of the men touches Ione's leg suggestively, she takes Elm's Scythe and forces one of the highwaymen to shoot another with his arrow. Elm beats one of the men unconscious. The third highwayman, overwhelmed, kills himself with the arrow.

After the fight, Ione refuses to return Elm's Scythe unless he promises to convince the King to give her free rein of the castle. Though reluctant, Elm agrees in order to get his Card back. Ione releases him from the Scythe's control. Elm takes back his Card but warns Ione never to use it against him again. Ione remains unfazed, focused only on gaining access to the castle for unknown reasons.

Chapter 7

In Chapter 7, Elspeth struggles to remember details about her life as she remains stranded on the dark beach with Taxus. She recalls impressions of colors, smells, and places, slowly piecing together names like her aunt, half-sisters, and father. Elspeth remembers walking through the woods with her cousin Ione on her nameday. As she left early to return home, Elspeth recalls meeting two highwaymen on the forest road. Taxus tells Elspeth this place is for her to rest and recover her memories before he will "let her out." When Taxus disappears, Elspeth tries unsuccessfully to follow him for more answers. She feels the absence of the Nightmare's voice in her mind but cannot access any more specific memories. Elspeth continues attempting to reconstruct her fragmented recollections alone on the empty beach.

Chapter 8

Ravyn arrives unexpectedly in Elm's chambers and finds Elm and Ione together. Ione is wearing Elm's clothes, as hers were wet from the rain. Ravyn questions why Ione is there, suspicious of Elm and Ione's relationship.

Elm tries to explain Ione's presence, saying he brought her from Hawthorn House for questioning about Elspeth. Ravyn remains distrustful, as bringing Ione to Elm's private chambers is irregular.

Sensing the tension, Ione maintains her composure and speaks evenly to Ravyn. She asks for access to the castle library, which Ravyn grants her in exchange for information about Elspeth.

After Ione leaves, Ravyn confronts Elm about his growing fascination with Ione. Elm denies any inappropriate interest. Ravyn warns Elm that Ione is manipulative and cunning despite her gentle demeanor.

The chapter ends with uncertainty over Ione's motives and increasing mistrust between the brothers over Elm's interactions with her.

Chapter 9

Ravyn and Elm escort Ione to the throne room for the King's inquest. Ravyn struggles with having to treat Ione coldly to avoid suspicion, despite knowing she will likely be killed. Elm is defensive about Ione, saying she saved his life from highwaymen. Ravyn warns Elm not to trust Ione, but Elm implies Ravyn is a hypocrite for falling for Elspeth. In the throne room, the King questions Ione about Elspeth's infection. Ione claims no knowledge. The King compels Ione to drink from the Chalice, a goblet that reveals lies. Ione drinks but the Chalice shows no reaction, proving her truthfulness. The King dismisses Ione to the dungeon for the night. After she is gone, the King tells Ravyn to prepare to retrieve the Twin Alders Card by bartering with the Nightmare. Ravyn vows to free Elspeth's spirit from the Nightmare's control.

Chapter 10

Ravyn meets with the Nightmare, who possesses Elspeth's body, to discuss retrieving the missing Twin Alders Card. The Nightmare speaks cryptically about three barters that must take place to find the Card. The first will be at a dark lake, the second at the edge of an unmapped wood, and the third in a bloody, sorrowful place. Throughout the conversation, Ravyn struggles with Elspeth's physical appearance while the monster controls her. He vows to learn how to reach Elspeth's spirit trapped deep in her own mind.

Chapter 11

Elspeth remains on the mysterious beach, struggling to remember details of her past life. The ghost of a young girl named Tilly appears, calling Elspeth "Father" and asking her to play. More ghostly children emerge, also calling Elspeth "Father." Elspeth realizes these spirits see her as their father, the Shepherd King. She tries speaking with the boy with gray eyes, but he laments that Elspeth is with them but not fully present. Elspeth feels distressed and disconnected from herself and her memories.

Chapter 12

In Chapter 11, King Rowan berates Ravyn, Elm, and Jespyr for failing to uncover Elspeth's infection sooner. The King is furious that Elspeth deceived them and demands the Twin Alders Card be retrieved immediately. Ravyn must lead the expedition into the mist per his deal with the Nightmare possessing Elspeth.

King Rowan insists Elm remain behind as his heir, despite Ravyn's protests. The King reluctantly allows Jespyr to join the quest after Ravyn pleads for help. Another Destrier, Gorse, will accompany them too.

Before departing, Ravyn endures more verbal abuse from the King, who threatens to imprison Emory if Ravyn fails. Weary and angry, Ravyn maintains composure before the King. He prepares to lead Jespyr and Gorse into the mist to follow the Nightmare's cryptic instructions, hoping to free Elspeth's spirit and recover the missing Card.

Chapter 13

Elm confronts Filick about Ione's condition after the inquest. Filick claims Ione's hands were uninjured, but Elm finds bloody handprints on his doublet from her wounds. Elm visits Ione's room and confronts her about using the Scythe Card on her father. Ione is angry Elm didn't help her disappear from court as agreed. Elm realizes Ione's unblemished skin means she possesses a Maiden Card with healing abilities. Ione confirms the Maiden's powers have been overlooked. She came to the castle to retrieve her hidden Maiden Card. Elm pledges to keep the Maiden's magic secret for now. He takes Ione to the dungeon to see the possessed Elspeth.

Chapter 14

Elspeth struggles with the weight of her returned memories, including her infection, the cards, and what the King did to her. She calls out for the Nightmare that took her place but gets no response. The ghost children continue visiting her on the beach, calling her "Father" and referring to events from the Shepherd King's life. Elspeth realizes the spirits are speaking to the Shepherd King's spirit within her, not her directly. She falls into despair over her family's likely deaths for hiding her infection. Elspeth wades into the water in another attempt to escape but only sinks deeper into darkness.

Chapter 15

In Chapter 15, Ravyn sneaks into Emory's chambers in the King's castle to take him away, as Emory's health is rapidly declining due to degeneration. Ravyn helps Emory get ready to leave, though Emory is confused and doesn't understand what is happening. When Ravyn touches Emory's skin, Emory has a prophetic vision about Ravyn, speaking cryptically about a "dark bird" and questioning if Ravyn knows his own name after a long journey through the woods. Emory doesn't remember the vision after it passes.

Ravyn carries the frail Emory down the stairs to meet Jespyr, who is shocked at how ill Emory looks. Jespyr takes Emory away to Castle Yew. Ravyn stays behind, furious at the King for how Emory was treated. He says goodbye to the castle with bitterness before leaving to join the others.

Chapter 16

In Chapter 16, Elm sneaks Ione out of the dungeon late at night to search the castle for her missing Maiden Card. They banter back and forth, with Elm trying to get a rise out of the emotionally muted Ione. In the dungeon, they encounter the Shepherd King possessing Elspeth's body. Ione is disturbed to see the monster within her cousin. The Shepherd King implies he knows things about Elm's past misdeeds. Though he won't reveal the Maiden Card's location, the Shepherd King confirms there are three hidden in the castle.

After leaving the dungeon, Ione tries to dismiss Elm, but he insists on helping find her Card. Elm admits he regrets how he treated Elspeth when she was losing herself. He wants to atone by assisting Ione before she disappears entirely into the Maiden. Ione seems surprised but accepts his offer of aid. They agree to search the castle together for her Card.

Chapter 17

In Chapter 17, Ravyn leaves the castle with the Nightmare, who is possessing Elspeth's body, and two Destrier companions, Gorse and Jespyr. Before departing, Ravyn sends notes to arrange for Emory and the other prisoners' care, aware he is being watched closely.

Ravyn is disturbed to see the Nightmare has cut Elspeth's long hair short. He rips down a Black Horse tapestry in anger over the King and Nightmare's actions.

At the castle entrance, the Destriers question who will lead them with Ravyn gone. Ravyn tells them to defer to Elm or the King.

As they ride away, Ravyn sees King Rowan and Elm watching them depart. The Nightmare taunts Elm with an ominous rhyme about his isolation and inner darkness as the Prince who stays behind.

Chapter 18

In Chapter 17, Elspeth experiences memories of the Shepherd King as a young boy participating in a naming ceremony in the woods. The Shepherd King has black veins from being born with the fever, allowing him to communicate with the trees. He asks the Spirit of the Wood for tools to guide and protect the kingdom of Blunder. The trees direct him back home, where he finds a sword with a shepherd's staff carved on the hilt waiting for him. This implies the sword is a gift from the Spirit granting the Shepherd King's request.

Chapter 19

In Chapter 19, Elm is forced to remain at the castle while Ravyn departs on a quest with the Nightmare possessing Elspeth's body. King Rowan reveals he expects Elm to take Hauth's place as heir to the throne. Elm is furious at the idea of being trapped at court and inheriting the crown.

Later, Elm escorts Ione to the great hall for dinner. The King demands Elm and Ione sit in the seats of honor at his table, cementing the impression they are still betrothed despite Hauth's absence. After dinner, the King announces Elm must choose a bride from among six noblewomen at a series of feasts. Enraged at being forced into marriage, Elm agrees to Ione's suggestion they get drunk together. It seems despite her emotionally detached state, Ione is still capable of understanding and empathizing with Elm.

Chapter 20

In Chapter 20, Ravyn has a tense encounter with the Nightmare, who possesses Elspeth's body. The Nightmare implies he has sinister plans once they retrieve the Twin Alders Card. Ravyn tries unsuccessfully to reach Elspeth's spirit trapped in her own mind. The Nightmare rebuffs him, saying Ravyn cannot imagine what it's like to lose control.

Ravyn finds the Nightmare in a meadow at Castle Yew, holding the ancient crown of the Shepherd King. Ravyn returns the Shepherd King's sword, which he previously took from the grave chamber. The Nightmare asks Ravyn to bring the Maiden Card on their journey, though won't explain why.

Ravyn questions if the Nightmare or his children left the Mirror and Nightmare Cards that Ravyn found as a child. The Nightmare denies leaving them. When Ravyn tries using his Nightmare Card to reach Elspeth's mind, the Nightmare threatens him with the sword.

The Nightmare implies their quest into the woods will make Ravyn lose himself. Ravyn vows to free Elspeth and learn the Nightmare's secrets. The chapter ends tensely, with distrust between Ravyn and the possessed Elspeth.

Chapter 21

Elm and Ione drink wine together in the castle cellar after Elm is forced to stay behind while Ravyn departs on a quest. Elm reveals details of past abuse from his brother Hauth. Ione shares how Hauth took her Maiden Card on Equinox after getting her drunk. They ask each other intimate questions while under the influence of a Chalice Card to uncover truths.

Ione admits she can still feel physical desire despite the Maiden's influence. Elm proves he noticed Ione before she used the Maiden Card and wins a wagered kiss from her. Their passionate encounter is interrupted by the arrival of Filick Willow. Ione hurries away, leaving Elm frustrated and uncertain about where they stand.

Chapter 22

In this chapter, Elspeth experiences memories from the perspective of the Shepherd King as a young man before his coronation. She walks through the castle with her sister Ayris, who notes a bruise under Elspeth's eye likely from training with Brutus. Elspeth feels the weight of the crown in her hair and touches it, stating it feels like "providence." A young guard winks at Elspeth and Ayris before opening the doors to the cathedral for the coronation ceremony. Elspeth sits in her late father's carved tree throne as the lords and ladies proclaim "Long live the Shepherd King." Elspeth revels in the stunning colors shining through the stained glass windows. Back in the present day, the Nightmare's voice desperately calls Elspeth's name, trying to draw her out of the memories, but she remains trapped, unable to respond.

Chapter 23

Ravyn leads a group including Jespyr, Gorse, and the Ivy brothers into the misty woods with the Nightmare, who possesses Elspeth's body. The Nightmare seems increasingly agitated as he struggles to communicate with Elspeth's spirit. They encounter a magical lake that requires a blood sacrifice. After swimming across and battling monsters, they reach the other side, but Petyr is poisoned by a creature's claws. The Nightmare implies the lake's magic intentionally harmed Petyr. Ravyn worries for Petyr's life as the group continues their quest.

Chapter 24

In Chapter 24, Elspeth is trapped in memories of the Shepherd King's past while her physical body remains possessed by the Nightmare. The Nightmare, in Elspeth's form, calls out desperately to reach Elspeth's spirit as Ravyn leads their group through the misty woods.

Ravyn and the others rush to help Petyr, who was poisoned by a creature's claws. Ravyn shouts for the Nightmare to aid Petyr with magic, but gets no response.

Meanwhile, the ghostly form of Taxus appears on the dark beach where Elspeth is trapped. He warns her that if she leaves with him, she will have no control over her physical body possessed by the Nightmare. Elspeth chooses to go with Taxus to escape the beach, despite his warnings. As she departs, Elspeth calls out "Let me out" one final time.

Chapter 25

Ravyn leads the group deeper into the misty woods. The Nightmare, possessing Elspeth's body, grows increasingly agitated and struggles to communicate with Elspeth's spirit. During the journey, Petyr is attacked by a poisonous creature. Despite attempts to heal the wound, Petyr's condition rapidly deteriorates. In desperation, Ravyn forces Petyr to use the Maiden Card, which miraculously heals him.

Ravyn realizes the Nightmare knew the Maiden Card would save Petyr. He tries to reach Elspeth's spirit using his Nightmare Card but the Nightmare blocks him. Tensions rise between Ravyn and the Nightmare over the Cards and Elspeth's imprisoned spirit.

After healing Petyr, the group rests. Gorse, one of the Destrier companions, flees the group, likely to report to the King about Ravyn's secret Nightmare Card. Ravyn decides to deal with the consequences later in order to focus on the quest. He is determined to push forward no matter what to free Elspeth and uncover the Nightmare's agenda.

Chapter 26

In Chapter 26, Elm searches for answers about Ione's betrothal to Hauth. He finds their marriage contract and realizes Ione was bartered to Hauth in exchange for a Providence Card. Elm had assumed his father arranged the marriage, but now knows Tyrn Hawthorn made a deal with Hauth directly.

Meanwhile, Elm avoids a dinner held in his honor where noblewomen are presented as potential brides. Maribeth Larch tries to seduce Elm in the library but he declines, thinking of his encounter with Ione.

Elm feels conflicted, both desiring Ione yet knowing he will likely be forced to marry someone else as heir. He decides to keep Ione's marriage contract rather than returning it, perhaps as leverage or blackmail material against Hauth and Tyrn Hawthorn.

Chapter 27

In Chapter 27, Elspeth remains trapped in the dark room in her mind, unable to control her physical body which is possessed by the Nightmare. She can see and hear through the Nightmare's eyes as he interacts with Ravyn and the others on their quest. Elspeth is distraught over the Nightmare cutting her hair short and letting her appearance deteriorate.

As the group travels through a glen, the Nightmare taunts Ravyn using Elspeth's voice. Ravyn tries to reach Elspeth's spirit using his Nightmare Card but the Nightmare blocks him. Their tense dynamic continues with the Nightmare denying Elspeth's pleas to speak with Ravyn.

Eventually the Nightmare briefly allows Elspeth and Ravyn to connect mentally. They share an emotional moment, apologizing and reassuring each other. Their reunion is cut short by an ambush, with arrows fired at the group. One strikes and kills Wik Ivy. Before passing out from a smoke bomb, the Nightmare and Elspeth see two more Destriers approaching, having orchestrated the attack.

Chapter 28

In Chapter 27, Elspeth remains trapped in the dark room in her mind, unable to control her physical body which is possessed by the Nightmare. She can see and hear through the Nightmare's eyes as he interacts with Ravyn and the others on their quest. Elspeth is distraught over the Nightmare cutting her hair short and letting her appearance deteriorate.

As the group travels through a glen, the Nightmare taunts Ravyn using Elspeth's voice. Ravyn tries to reach Elspeth's spirit using his Nightmare Card but the Nightmare blocks him. Their tense dynamic continues with the Nightmare denying Elspeth's pleas to speak with Ravyn.

Eventually the Nightmare briefly allows Elspeth and Ravyn to connect mentally. They share an emotional moment, apologizing and reassuring each other. Their reunion is cut short by an ambush, with arrows fired at the group. One strikes and kills Wik Ivy. Before passing out from a smoke bomb, the Nightmare and Elspeth see two more Destriers approaching, having orchestrated the attack.

Chapter 29

Elspeth remains trapped in the Shepherd King's memories. She experiences his life leading up to the creation of the eleventh and twelfth Providence Cards - the Mind and Nightmare Cards. The Shepherd King becomes obsessed with creating more Cards through increasingly steep barters with the Spirit of the Wood. His old friend Brutus Rowan tries to warn him against abusing the Spirit's gifts. The Shepherd King ignores the warnings, driven by a desire for more power. He barters pieces of himself - his sleep, his soul - to obtain new Cards. The creation of the Mind and Nightmare Cards requires the ultimate price - the Shepherd King's very soul. After obtaining these Cards, the Shepherd King is surrounded by an ominous salt-scented mist, implying he has crossed a dangerous line in his quest for magic.

Chapter 30

In Chapter 30, Ravyn leads Jespyr, Petyr, and the Nightmare (possessing Elspeth's body) out of the fort where they were being held captive. Before leaving, they encounter Elspeth's aunt Opal, who is shocked to see Elspeth alive but realizes something is wrong.

Outside the fort, Ravyn struggles with having killed the Destrier Gorse while under the influence of the fort leaders' magic smoke. The Nightmare implies he understands Ravyn's turmoil over killing and offers a strained apology for their earlier argument.

When one of the fort leaders approaches to prevent their escape, the Nightmare attacks her and reclaims the group's confiscated Cards. They flee the fort, with Ravyn promising Opal to protect her and her sons if needed.

As they depart into the woods, the Nightmare implies he injured the fort leader as retaliation on Elspeth's behalf for the abuse Ravyn endured. Ravyn insists he did not want bloodshed but realizes the Nightmare is unpredictable and dangerous despite the piece of Elspeth's spirit within him.

Chapter 31

In Chapter 31, Elm is forced to attend a feast held in his honor, where he will meet potential brides selected by King Rowan. Elm tries to avoid the feast but is cornered by Maribeth Larch, one of the ladies. Maribeth tries to seduce Elm, but he rejects her advances, thinking of Ione.

At the feast, Elm is miserable as noblewomen are paraded before him. He drinks heavily and antagonizes his father. Ione attends the feast as well. Elm notices her speaking with a man he doesn't recognize. Jealous, he cuts in and dances with Ione himself.

After the feast ends, a drunk Elm staggers to his chambers. Ione is there waiting for him. She helps Elm undress and get into bed. Too inebriated to resist, Elm pulls Ione into bed with him. They kiss passionately before falling asleep in each other's arms.

Chapter 32

Ravyn leads the group into the woods as night falls. The Nightmare communicates with the trees to find the way. They reach a wall of alder trees, which the Nightmare says is the entrance to where the Twin Alders Card is hidden. He creates a shelter using aspen trees and fixes Ravyn's broken nose, painfully. Ravyn uses the Nightmare Card to speak mentally with Elspeth, who reassures him.

The Nightmare implies he knew Brutus Rowan, the first Rowan King, who killed the Shepherd King. Later, the Nightmare tells Ravyn and Jespyr about his sister Ayris. As they fall asleep, Ravyn and Jespyr discuss their apprehension about the Nightmare but also the glimpses of humanity they see in him.

Chapter 33

Elm attends a feast where potential brides are presented to him. He notices Ione dressed as the Nightmare Card, implying the king orchestrated it to humiliate her. Elm takes Ione to search the gardens for her hidden Maiden Card. In a pond, Elm finds and accidentally destroys a statue of Brutus Rowan. When Elm falls into the pond, he loses his protective charm and becomes overwhelmed by the mist. Ione helps Elm recover using her own charm. Later, Filick arrives to tell Elm and Ione that Hauth has awoken from his illness.

Chapter 34

Elspeth experiences the Shepherd King's memories, showing how he became obsessed with obtaining more Providence Cards through increasingly dangerous barters with the Spirit of the Wood. His friend Brutus Rowan tries to warn him against abusing the Spirit's gifts, but the Shepherd King ignores him, driven by a desire for power. After obtaining the Twin Alders Card, the Shepherd King finds he can no longer use any of his Cards.

The Shepherd King's children, including his son Bennett, try to reach out to him, but he remains distant. Bennett has magic of his own. The Shepherd King leaves the castle planning to speak directly to the Spirit about lifting the dangerous mist she created. His sister Ayris accompanies him into the woods, but when they reach the alder trees, Ayris breathes in the mist and it extinguishes her light.

Chapter 35

Elm goes to see his brother Hauth, who has awoken from his illness. Hauth is severely injured, with bruises and wounds covering his body. The king demands Hauth's Nightmare Card be used to try to reach him, but it doesn't work. When Hauth briefly opens his eyes, he looks at Ione before passing out again.

Afterward, Elm takes Hauth's Nightmare Card when no one is looking. The king pressures Elm to name his choice for a bride, but Elm refuses. Later, Elm rides his horse outside the castle walls to vent his frustrations. He ends up at Hawthorn House, Ione's family home.

Elm returns to the castle before dawn with dresses from Hawthorn House for Ione. He asks her to accompany him to the next feast in one of her own dresses, and to help him find her hidden Maiden Card. Ione agrees to go with him.

Chapter 36

In Chapter 35, Ravyn and the others arrive at the entrance to the alderwood, where the Twin Alders Card is hidden. The Nightmare reveals that for them to enter the wood, someone must sacrifice their protective charm to the Spirit of the Wood as payment. Without a charm, that person would be vulnerable to the mist's infection.

Ravyn refuses to let Jespyr or Petyr give up their charms, but the Nightmare insists there is no other way. Jespyr volunteers, but Petyr argues that as a commoner, he should be the one to do it. They decide to flip a coin, but when Ravyn tosses it, he lies about the result to spare Petyr. Jespyr realizes Ravyn lied and gives up her charm herself, running into the misty wood alone. Ravyn is distraught but follows her in, determined not to leave her side.

Chapter 37

In Chapter 36, Elm attends a feast where noblewomen are presented as potential brides. He notices Ione dressed as the Nightmare Card, realizing the king is trying to humiliate her. Elm takes Ione to search the gardens for her hidden Maiden Card. In a pond, he finds and accidentally destroys a statue of Brutus Rowan, the first Rowan king. When Elm falls into the pond and loses his protective charm, he becomes overwhelmed by the mist. Ione helps him recover using her own charm.

Later, Elm and Ione go to the throne room, where Elm sits on the throne and proposes marriage to Ione. He explains there is nothing legally preventing their marriage, since the vague marriage contract binds Ione to marry the heir, not specifically Hauth. Ione seems conflicted but kisses Elm passionately. She then leads him to her chambers and decides to release herself from the Maiden Card's influence, despite Elm's warnings it will be painful. Elm insists he wants to know the real Ione, not just the version muted by the Maiden. Ione taps her Card, freeing her true emotions.

Chapter 38

Ravyn, the Nightmare, and Jespyr enter the alderwood to find the Twin Alders Card. Jespyr becomes infected by the mist and drawn to the twin alder trees at the wood's heart. The trees speak cryptically and restrain Ravyn, demanding a blood sacrifice. The Nightmare cuts his own hand to appease the trees and frees Jespyr. He forces the trees to release Ravyn onto the pale shore beyond, where the Spirit of the Wood awaits. The Nightmare and Jespyr follow, entering the realm between the twin alders before the doorway closes behind them.

Chapter 39

Elm returns to the castle with Ione and hears the bell tolling, realizing something is wrong. He goes to his chambers and finds Hauth there, awake and recovered from his illness. Hauth reveals he knows about Elm and Ione's relationship. He threatens to tell the king unless Elm helps him leave the castle that night. Elm refuses, saying he won't let Hauth escape after what he did to Ione and others. Hauth draws his sword and attacks Elm. During the fight, Hauth knocks Elm's protective charm off, leaving him exposed to the mist seeping into the room. Ione arrives and picks up Elm's fallen Scythe Card. She uses it on Hauth, forcing him to his knees. Ione makes Hauth stab himself in the leg with his own sword before releasing him from the Scythe's control. Elm puts his charm back on as Hauth writhes on the floor, bleeding but alive. Elm decides to use the damaging information he has on Hauth as leverage instead of killing him. He tells Hauth if he reveals anything about his relationship with Ione, Elm will expose Hauth's past misdeeds. A resentful Hauth has no choice but to accept Elm's terms. The chapter ends with Elm and Ione gaining power over Hauth through their knowledge of his secrets.

Chapter 40

In Chapter 40, the Nightmare, Ravyn, and Jespyr meet the Spirit of the Wood on the pale shore beyond the alderwood. Jespyr is unconscious and dying from the mist's infection. The Spirit addresses the Nightmare as the Shepherd King and acknowledges Elspeth's spirit trapped within.

The Spirit agrees to give Ravyn the Twin Alders Card if he barters something precious in return. Ravyn offers his Nightmare Card, but the Spirit refuses, saying it has caused too much harm already. The Spirit demands Ravyn's ability to dream instead. Reluctantly, Ravyn agrees in order to save Jespyr's life.

The Spirit heals Jespyr and gives Ravyn the missing Twin Alders Card. She warns the Nightmare not to let the Cards' power corrupt him again. As they turn to leave through the doorway back home, the Spirit calls out to Elspeth, telling her she cannot remain trapped forever in the dark.

Chapter 41

In Chapter 41, Elm is confronted by his brother Hauth and Linden, who have both been healed by the Maiden Card. Hauth takes Elm's Scythe Card and forces him to reveal that Ravyn and Jespyr have left to retrieve the Twin Alders Card. Linden reveals he found and used Ione's hidden Maiden Card to heal himself. To test the Maiden Card's limits, Hauth stabs Ione through the heart with a dagger. Though she appears to die at first, the Maiden Card miraculously heals Ione's fatal wound. Filick arrives looking for Hauth, interrupting the confrontation. Hauth dismisses Filick, but the king then arrives, overjoyed to see Hauth recovered. Elm and Ione realize her wound is rapidly healing. Elm vows to kill Hauth for what he's done, but Hauth remains confident in the Maiden Card's protective abilities. The chapter ends with uncertainty over what Hauth will do next and ongoing tensions between the brothers.

Chapter 42

Ravyn and the Spirit of the Wood travel back in time and witness the Shepherd King's murder by Brutus Rowan. The Shepherd King's son Bennett destroys Brutus's Scythe Card in revenge before disappearing. In the present, the Spirit demands Ravyn's true name as the price for the Twin Alders Card. After seeing visions of the Shepherd King's past, Ravyn realizes his name is Taxus, the same as the ancient yew tree by the Shepherd King's grave. The Spirit acknowledges this as the correct answer and gives Ravyn the Twin Alders Card. She warns him not to let its power corrupt him as it did the Shepherd King. Ravyn, the Nightmare, and Jespyr prepare to return home with the recovered Card.

Chapter 43

Elm is compelled by Hauth's Scythe Card to stand by during a feast where Hauth poisons and kills King Rowan. As the king dies, he gives Elm his own Scythe Card and tells him to take it. Elm uses the Scythe Card to freeze everyone in the hall except himself and Ione. They flee the castle together on horseback but Elm is quickly overcome by pain from using both Scythe Cards. He tells Ione to find Ravyn and the others while he stays behind as a bargaining chip for Hauth. Ione reluctantly leaves Elm behind on the road where he waits for the Destriers to find him.

Chapter 44

In Chapter 43, Elm is compelled by Hauth's Scythe Card to stand by during a feast where Hauth poisons and kills King Rowan. As the king dies, he gives Elm his own Scythe Card and tells him to take it. Elm uses the Scythe Card to freeze everyone in the hall except himself and Ione. They flee the castle together on horseback but Elm is quickly overcome by pain from using both Scythe Cards. He tells Ione to find Ravyn and the others while he stays behind as a bargaining chip for Hauth. Ione reluctantly leaves Elm behind on the road where he waits for the Destriers to find him.

Chapter 45

Ravyn, the Nightmare, Jespyr, Ione, and Petyr return from the alderwood to find smoke rising from Castle Yew. They hear Hauth's voice and realize he has taken control of the castle. The Nightmare devises a plan for them to sneak in and recover the hidden Cards from his chamber so they can unite the full Deck before midnight. He will create a distraction while the others find Elm, who is being held prisoner. Though risky, they agree it's the only way to get all twelve Cards and stand a chance against Hauth on Solstice night. They prepare to infiltrate the occupied castle, hoping the Nightmare's powers and their own determination will be enough to defeat Hauth and his forces.

Chapter 46

Elm is imprisoned in Stone's dungeon with Erik Spindle and Tyrn Hawthorn. They are tortured and questioned about the missing Twin Alders Card. Hauth reveals he knows Ravyn and Jespyr left to find it and implies he will use the prisoners as bait.

On Solstice, Hauth brings the prisoners to Castle Yew's meadow where Morette, Fenir, Emory and other Destriers are held hostage. Hauth forces Emory to bleed on the Cards from the hidden chamber, rendering them useless.

Ione appears from the woods with the recovered Twin Alders Card. Hauth threatens to kill her slowly for it. Ione uses the Maiden Card to prevent Hauth from harming her.

Ravyn arrives invisible and tells Elm to flee with Ione while he retrieves the Cards from Hauth. The yew trees come alive at Ravyn's command, attacking the Destriers. Elm, Erik and Tyrn escape their restraints in the chaos as Ione flees into the woods.

Chapter 47

Ravyn leads an attack on Hauth and his forces during the Solstice celebration at Castle Yew. He instructs his family to take the injured Emory to safety inside the castle. The yew trees come alive at the Nightmare's command and attack the Destrier knights, creating chaos. Ravyn confronts Hauth, who stabs him with a dagger. Though injured, Ravyn destroys Hauth's Scythe Card. Hauth then stabs Ravyn again with a ceremonial dagger, mirroring the wound that killed the Shepherd King. As Ravyn lays dying, Hauth takes his Cards and disappears.

Chapter 48

In Chapter 48, the Nightmare brings Elm and Ione to the stone chamber where Hauth is trapped, providing them with the final three Cards - Scythe, Maiden and Twin Alders. The Nightmare places the Shepherd King's crown in the chamber and tells Hauth that Elm, not Ravyn, will be the next king. He implies Elm will kill Hauth. The Nightmare then leaves the chamber to help the dying Ravyn. Elm takes the Nightmare's sword and faces Hauth, who insists he won't be easily defeated. The chapter ends uncertainly, with Elm, Ione and Hauth confronting each other in the chamber on the stroke of midnight.

Chapter 49

In the final chapter, Elm and Ione confront Hauth in the stone chamber on the stroke of midnight. Elm rips off Hauth's protective charm, infecting him with the mist. Together, Elm and Ione stab Hauth through the heart with the Shepherd King's sword, spilling his blood onto the Providence Cards. This act unites the Deck, making the Cards disappear. Hauth flees the chamber, consumed by infection. With the mist lifted, Elm and Ione exit the chamber and see a new Providence Card in the stone. Elm takes the Card as he and Ione look up at the clear, beautiful night sky, realizing Elm is now the King of Blunder. They follow a trail of blood back to the castle, uncertain of what awaits.

Chapter 50

In Chapter 49, Ravyn is gravely injured after being stabbed by Hauth. His siblings and friends rush him back to Castle Yew and try desperately to save his life. The Nightmare arrives and helps Jespyr discover her healing powers, which she uses to stabilize Ravyn. After two days unconscious, Ravyn wakes up healed and sees the blue sky for the first time, the mist having lifted.

Ravyn apologizes to Elm for leaving him behind at Stone. Elm shows Ravyn the new thirteenth Providence Card, the Shepherd, and says the Nightmare will return soon. That night, the Nightmare comes to Ravyn's room and leads him to the ancient burial chamber.

The Nightmare reveals that if Elspeth touches the Shepherd Card, she will absorb all of its magic and knowledge instead of being healed. He offers Ravyn his own Nightmare Card, saying if Ravyn destroys it, the Nightmare's spirit will disappear and Elspeth will return healed. Though reluctant to lose the Nightmare as well, Ravyn ultimately destroys the Card, hoping it will free Elspeth at last.

Chapter 51

In Chapter 51, Elspeth is trapped in the Shepherd King's memories while the Nightmare possesses her physical body. The Nightmare brings Elm and Ione to the stone chamber where Hauth is imprisoned. The Nightmare places the Shepherd King's crown inside and implies Elm will kill Hauth, before leaving to help the dying Ravyn. Elm takes up the Shepherd King's sword and faces Hauth, who insists he won't be defeated easily. The chapter ends uncertainly, with Elm, Ione and Hauth confronting each other in the chamber at midnight.

Chapter 52

In the final chapter, Elm and Ione confront Hauth in the stone chamber on the stroke of midnight. Elm rips off Hauth's protective charm, infecting him with the mist. Together, Elm and Ione stab Hauth through the heart with the Shepherd King's sword, spilling his blood onto the Providence Cards. This act unites the Deck, making the Cards disappear. Hauth flees the chamber, consumed by infection. With the mist lifted, Elm and Ione exit the chamber and see a new Providence Card in the stone. Elm takes the Card as he and Ione look up at the clear, beautiful night sky, realizing Elm is now the King of Blunder. They follow a trail of blood back to the castle, uncertain of what awaits.